Home Business Compilations - "Print & Sell Your Own" Restored
Historical Photographs, Vintage Panoramas and Antique Prints
Quality before Quantity - Timecamera-designed just for
Restored & Specially Enhanced in our studios.
Copyright Safe - all Restorations are unique.
Collections can be purchased for
CD as standard or USB Flash Memory Stick.
THERE'S nothing like a parade and among the most
interesting - and photogenic - were those organized by various U.S. fire-fighting
departments to show off their personnel alongside their well-polished
fire-fighting equipment.
Several attractive period images of
fire fighter parades still survive today -
such as our collection of uniquely restored and enhanced images below which are included on a fascinating
master files to create your own prints for display or to sell for cash (print sellers
permission included). Click on the thumbnail images for Reduced
Size samplers. The actual panorama sizes vary up to 30inches wide, some
22inches, depending on the original material.
or USB Flash Memory Stick? The collection is available on
either CD via our
sister site or on this
site as a USB Flash Memory Stick.
Go Here
to order this great collection at a very special price and to review examples of
some of the Bonus non-panoramic vintage photos and prints also included, such as the rare Darktown print (right) from c1884 - one of several included,
Click on some of
the following panorama
examples (copyright protected and reduced in size & resolution).
Each has proven itself as a ready seller during our Prints
test-marketing phase...
Gary Fire Department 1914
Lexington Parade 1921
Portland Fire Dept.#1 1920
Portland Dept. #2 1920
Niagara Fire Dept. 1921
Middletown 1914
Canton, Ohio Fire Dept. 1913
Springfield, Ohio Fire Service 1917
Right now our dealer collection of
Firefighting Panoramas also includes a free extra bonus of FIVE turn of
the century movie clips in MPEG format for your entertainment featuring
various Fire Depts and their equipment on parade or in action. This is
in addition to the great
non-panoramic prints and photos already included. Order
OUR dealer compilation of vintage Fire-fighting Panoramas
and prints includes several size and tint variations up to 30 inches in
width, with proportional depth depending on the originals. At the sizes
included the resolution is at its optimum for these antique images. Also
included is a great bonus selection of antique prints and photos up to
10x8". ORDER YOUR COPYHere after
reviewing technical info and Terms of Use Here.
All our panoramas are fully restored and enhanced for home computer printing and come with full 'Print' resale permission. Framed panoramas look
particularly attractive and find a ready market in all kinds of outlets.
The compilation is sold on the basis that the print-outs shall not be
misrepresented or re-sold as original photographs or prints. More information on the Fire-fighting
compilation HERE
As Good As the Originals?
WE are often asked if our
reproductions are just as good as the originals. The answer is simply
"No" - They Are Better! Our entire range benefits from
painstaking hours of restoration, cleaning, retouching and
For example, most archived originals were split into
sections for storage, resulting in a break-up of the image as
shown above. Those join lines are carefully removed with cloning
and predictive techniques so the panoramas are once again
viewable as one long, continuous banner style image.
WE have an attractive
range of 'Print & Sell Your Own' Fire Fighting images featured on
the Panorama and Antique Print
Examples - Click on Picture for more Details
of our Firefighting Compilation.